
Sunday, July 21, 2013


Larkwhistle is one of the most famous gardens in Ontario, and it is here, on the Bruce Peninsula. It was created by the garden writer Patrick Lima and his partner John Scanlan. Every summer it is open to the public on Wednesdays and weekends. This is the garden's 38th year, but unfortunately it is also the last.

It is a garden that has inspired numerous gardeners, many of whom have made the trip up the peninsula once a year, sometimes from distant places, to admire the mixture of flowering plants, mostly perennials, and vegetables. If you are within driving distance, it is well worth a visit, especially since this is the last year it will be open.

Here are a few pictures taken on a visit to the garden last Saturday. As usual, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.


  1. Hello, thanks for this lovely visit. It's always a bit sad to hear that it's the last year it will be open to the public.
    Have a lovely day, here it's awfully hot in Alsace!

  2. My eleven year old grand daughter would be thrilled here. She has asked a friend for hollyhock seeds for next year, to go with the snapdragon seeds she's collecting this year. These gardens are beautiful!

  3. What a lovely garden Aain - it has very much a cottage garden look and feel to it. Why is it closing? Is the property being sold?

    1. Hi Craig,
      Being open 3 days a week means having to be there 3 days a week and spending the other 4 weeding (there is not a weed in sight). Even with some help, this is very demanding. The owners will still maintain the garden but to less exacting standards and won't be tied as much to it.

  4. Thirty-eight years is a long time. Beautiful! I especially like the raised lily pond.
    I've heard of this garden but never had a chance to visit. Thanks for sharing your photos. Sheri

  5. That is a beautiful place! I love the pond ... and the Holleyhocks ... and all the beautiful landscaping. How very sad that it's closing to visitors!

  6. Hello Alain, I love the name of the garden, but I understand the time involved in being open to the public. Especially after 38 years. Perhaps after they've had some time, they might just open for a yearly weekend tour or something. Your gooseberries sure look good. I've never had one.

  7. Heading up that way this weekend. So sad I hadn't discovered this place before it closed . Looks lovely.


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