
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Finnerty Gardens

This is another beautiful public garden in Victoria, British Columbia. It is, in fact, an arboretum on the campus of the University of Victoria. Spring would be a better time to see it, given that it includes what is probably the best collection of rhododendrons and azaleas in Canada. However, as with other gardens, it is actually easier to appreciate its design when viewed in winter.

Of the 1500 rhododendrons (200 wild species), only one was just beginning to bloom, a variety called Prince Abkhazi. It is a large-leaf, towering tree.

Finnerty Gardens, University of Victoria

It is a very pleasant place in which to walk and relax and last Friday, on a sunny morning, we had the place to ourselves.

The garden includes native plants. There were several of the native arbutus trees, some Garrya elliptica and many Western sword ferns, Polystichum munitum.

Finnerty Gardens, University of Victoria, B.C.
Western sword ferns

Some hamamelis and camelias were in bloom.

Finnerty Gardens, University of Victoria, B.C.

Finnerty Gardens, University of Victoria, B.C.

Unidentified berries
P.S. Over the holidays, I have added several pictures to the page "About Roche Fleurie" in this blog. Check it out to see how the house and garden were built.


  1. I do love rhodies and azaleas, but have such trouble with them here on account of our limey soil. But witch hazel is one of my absolute favourite winter plants. I just love it.

  2. Twenty years was a long time ago and yet yesterday, it seems.
    Azaleas are among the visual treats of spring. I cannot imagine having enough room to do them justice.

  3. Rather different weather you have out there compared to here!

  4. Beautiful garden to enjoy on what looks t be a beautiful day and peaceful too.

  5. Would those be winterberry (Ilex verticillata) or I suppose in Victoria you could also grow yaupon holly (I. vomitoria - charming name). Looks like a beautiful garden, another one we missed when we were out there.

    1. Actually these berries looked just like they belonged to a kind of Mountain Ash except that they were not in bunch like Mountain Ash berries usually are.

  6. A different world! I remember being amazed at cherry blossoms in Jan or Feb when we lived near Vancouver. Wow.

  7. I enjoy visiting gardens in winter to see the structure which is often lost when everything is flowering.

  8. This looks like a lovely place to see....we LOVE rhodos and azaleas!
    I haven't heard of these gardens.........only the Butchart Gardens.
    I see your point about seeing a garden in winter.....get a better sense of layout and its make-up.

  9. Hi Alain!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog! I've read your post and I liked this arboretum particularly rhododendrons that I grow in my garden as well.
    Have a nice weekend!


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