F. du j.- July

The idea of  "Fleurs du jour" is to show a few of the things that are in bloom at various dates, always using the same vase and the same setting.

July 30th,

Cosmos bipinnatus, false aster (Kalimeris pinnatifida), Papaver rhoeas

July 29th,

Cosmos sulphureus, nigella and knapweed (Centaurea sp.) - our worst weed

July 28th,

Lysimachia clethroides,  rose "Dew Dawn", nigella

July 27

Rose "Henry Kelsey", nasturtium, pelargonium, sedum sp., clematis "Queen of Holland"

July 26

Rudbeckia, Daylily (Hemerocalis), Heliopsis

July 25

Hydrangea sp., Nigella and Borage

July 24th

Rose 'The Fairy'

July 23rd

Rosa sp., Gentiana andrewsii, Papaver somniferum, Clematis 'Étoile violette', Lychnis coronaria

July 22nd

Eschscholzia californica, Crocosmia 'Lucifer', Papaver rhoeas, Portulaca

July 21st

Eschscholzia californica (white), Campanula alliariifolia, Papaver rhoeas, Chicoria, Onopordum acanthium and Coriander.

July 20th,

Sedum, nasturtium (Tropaeolum), Alstroemeria, Portulaca grandiflora and Clematis 'Queen of Holland'

July 19th
Lychnis coronaria,  yarrow "Cassis" (Achillea millefolium) and hollyhock (Alcea rosea)

Jul 18th,

Sedum (yellow), Batchelors Buttons (Centaurea cyanus) and Speedwell (Veronica sp)

July 17th

Golden Marguerite (Anthemis tinctora) and False Aster (Kalimeris incisa 'Blue Star')

July 16th

 Hypericum calycinum, Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla mollis) and Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia sp.)

July 15th

Regale lilies and California poppies

July 14th
Various sedums.

July 13th

Papaver Rhoeas and Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl'

July 12th
White lily with more Chicorea & rose The Fairy and at the back Persicaria polymorpha (white, frothy, you can hardly see it against the mortar.

July 11th,

Red Begonia, Nigella, Clover, Batchelor's Buttons, Chicorea & rose The Fairy

July 10th,

Ruta graveolens, Hypericum calycinum, Eryngium giganteum and Campanula glomerata

July 9th

Catalpa flowers, yarrow "Cassis" (Achillea millefolium) and lovage.

July 8th

Clematis Queen of Holland, Centranthus  ruber, Achillea pyrenayca and a catchfly (Selene sp.)

July 7th

Rose Vicking Queen and Crambe cordifolia.

July 6th

Digitalis lutea and grandiflora, Campanula persicifolia, Achillea millefolium and Clematis Étoile violette.

July 5th

Coreopsis grandiflora, Erigeron hybridus, Anthemis tinctora and again Clematis potaninii (an ideal cut flower - it last for almost a week.

July 4th

A mixture of cultivated and wild flowers. The big one in the centre is Oenothera missouriensis, the yellow bells is Lysimachia punctata, there is also among other things a native erigeron and blue campanula persicifolia.

July 3rd

Mock Orange and various campanulas (latifolia, portenschlagiana and mostly persicifolia).

July 2nd

The yellow bloom is Potentilla recta (a wild flower), the white is Clematis potaninii and the marvelous scarlet is Potentilla atrosanguinea Gibson's Scarlet.

July 1sr

"Henry Kelsey" one of the Explorer Roses. This series of roses were developed in Canada to be able to resist very cold winters.


  1. While you've added one of my favourite colours, orange to the arrangement for July 15th, so far, the strong contrast between the colour of the clematis and the white and off-white of the other flowers as well as the variety of textures.

    1. I think my own favorite so far is the one for July 2nd. I like that the flowers are roughly all the same shape and Gibson's Scarlet has an incredible colour. This clematis is still going strong in the garden.


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