Fleurs du jour - June

The idea of  "Fleurs du jour" is to show a few of the things that are in bloom at various dates, always using the same vase and the same setting.

This “old-lady” flower vase was given to me by my friend Elaine (Elaine is one of these people who has an “eye” for finding unusual things her friends will like). Whenever I see it, I think of old television cartoons, and I am convinced that the moment no human is looking, this plump little vase starts walking and dancing on its stubby legs, but stops short the moment you look at it.

June 30th
Rose "Nearly Wild" (that is its name, it is not a wild rose)

June 29th,
All flowers in bloom in the meadow (except for the dianthus)

June 28th
 Same Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla mollis) but with F. J. Grootendorst roses.

June 27th
Corn poppies (Papaver rhoeas) and Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla mollis)

June 26th
Dortmund roses

June 25th,

All pinks

June 24th
Two varieties of Mock Orange (Philadelphus). The one with dark leaves is more attractive but does not have the perfume of the other. Probably the nicest smelling flower in the whole garden.

June 23rd,
Beautybush (Kolkwitzia amabilis)

June 22nd,
More peonies. This time "Sarah Bernhardt" with catnip (Nepeta Walker's Low)

 June 21st
All peonies. They are a bit late this year. The only identified one is Festiva Maxima, the white one. It has a touch of red in the middle.

 June 20th
An old-fashion double pink peony, Jens Munk roses and Lady's Mantle.

 June 18th
A black  bearded iris called "Interpol", unidentified pale yellow irises and buttercups.

June 17th
An old-fashioned columbine mixed with white bramble flowers.

Mostly Dianthus with some flowers of London Pride and Anthriscus sylvestris Raveswing and Chives.

June 15th
Various irises - some old-fashioned cultivars, Iris pseudacorus and a blue Siberian iris.

June 14th
This pink tree peony used to produce double flowers but when I moved it some years ago, it became single! I expect it was grafted, and the grafted part died leaving only the plant it was grafted on. The taller yellow flowers are wild buttercups and the shorter ones bird's foot trefoil.

June 12th
The tree peony is 'Renkaku', and the red peony in bud is not identified, but I doubt it is a lactiflora as it blooms one week to ten days before all the lactiflora I have.

June 6th
The pink is an azalea, the yellow Euphorbia polychroma (going to seed) with blue Centaurea montana and white Cerastium tomentosum. There also a few flowers of Geranium macrorrhizum.


  1. This vase is so nice, I would like it back. E.

  2. I will give it some thought when the summer and fall are over! What would you give me in exchange? Perhaps I should auction it!
    What I like about it is that it can accommodate big or small flowers.

  3. C'est amusant cette idée! J'adore passer ainsi en revue les floraisons du mois! Belle idée!

  4. Je me rends compte en faisant ces bouquets chaque matin que l'idée que j'ai du moment où les plantes sont en fleur ne correspond pas tout à fait à la réalité.

  5. the vase has a shape that looks tricky to fill - and yet each time it looks perfect.

    1. The vase if filled with "wet oasis" into which stems can be stuck anyway you want. It makes it easy to fill.


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